scapegoating — Sermons & Such — Haven Berkeley Faith Community


Jesus Becomes the Scapegoat

Emil Nolde - Crucifixion (1909) Hope found here

Emil Nolde - Crucifixion (1909) Hope found here

On Palm Sunday 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Leah shares the final teaching in this series on the work of Girard. In this teaching she takes a look at how the scapegoating mechanism plays out in the final days of Jesus life, as well as shares insights from a personal scapegoating experience.

You can review Leah’s notes here or listen to the teaching or watch the video below.

Jesus Becomes the Scapegoat
Leah Martens

Jesus Meets a Scapegoat


In this teaching, Leah continues the conversation about Girard and his scapegoating theory, by turning to the life of Jesus and examining how he responded when he found himself in the middle of a scapegoating event playing out. How does Jesus respond at an attempt at stoning? This is the first teaching preached from home in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in it Leah considers how Jesus’ response to scapegoating might also inform our own responses to this crisis.

The audio and video also include a 5-minute practice at the end that might be helpful in connecting with yourself and God in this time.

Look at Leah’s notes here, or you can listen to the teaching or watch the video below.

Jesus Meets A Scapegoat
Leah Martens