connection — Sermons & Such — Haven Berkeley Faith Community


Return to Relationships

In this message, Leah shares the second of three teachings on the "liberating returns" she experienced during her sabbatical. This teaching focuses on the return to significant relationships, and considers how we might adjust the quality of our presence to experience life-giving connection with others we care about.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

Return to Relationships
Leah Martens

Setting Intentions

In this week’s message, Leah reflects on singing, performance, being ourselves, and setting aside time for restoration and reconnection, as she will be doing on her summer sabbatical:

“Jesus regularly took time to separate from the group. At times he withdrew by himself. At times he brought his closest followers with him. At times he wanted to pray. Other times it seems that he just needed a break from being ‘on.’ He needed to rest, he needed to eat and drink, and have intimate time with his closest companions. We see this pattern throughout his life, including on the last night before his death. As he prepared for what was to come, Jesus withdrew to the garden, needing to separate from the bigger group, and connect with God and his three closet friends.”

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or view the teaching below:

Setting Intentions
Leah Martens

Sacred Community: Belonging to One Another


On the first Sunday of the year, Leah shared the invitation she is sensing form God to consider this a year of "re-form"ing, both in terms of our own identities as human beings, citizens, and people of faith, as well as a "re-form"ing of our community at Haven. She shared a picture of the Haven community as a grove of trees, some of which look mismatched, but which are being carefully chosen and tended to by God, as they grow into an organized system, whose roots are intertwined, and which nourish one another as they grow.

In this two week series, Leah will be considering how even in an age where many suffer spiritual PTSD, and fear the abuses of religious institutions, there is still a profound power in gathering regularly with fellow spiritual sojourners. Please join us as we consider the importance of belonging in Sacred Community, and how we can experience more of it at Haven.

Listen to the teaching below or review Leah's notes here.

Belonging to One Another
Leah Martens

Longing for Intimacy

Man with child, Mozambique

When Israel was a child, I loved him,
and out of Egypt I called my son.
The more I called them,
the more they went from me... (Hosea 11:1-2) 

Just as a parent longs for closeness with their child, the ancient writer Hosea says, God longs to connect with us as people. But how do we restore relationships in the midst of hurt, or betrayal, or misunderstanding? As we reflect on winter as a season of longing, listen to Leah's message below, or read the notes here

Longing for Intimacy (Hosea)
Leah Martens