Prayer — Sermons & Such — Haven Berkeley Faith Community


Hope For The New

In this teaching, Leah continues our series on “Resurrecting Hope”, looking at the story of Peter and Cornelius, and considers how the Spirit comes into situations that may seem impossible with new possibilities. In the midst of pandemic life, that is something I think all of us can appreciate.

Review Leah’s notes, listen to the teaching, or watch the video below.

Hope for the New
Leah Martens
Francesco Trevisani / Public domain

Francesco Trevisani / Public domain

Walking the Prayer Labyrinth

The Labyrinth at Land's End in San Francisco.

The Labyrinth at Land's End in San Francisco.

In this teaching, bringing back our series on "Soul Care for Seasons of Stress", Leah reflects on an ancient practice of prayer and meditation that draws upon the tradition of Pilgrimage for inspiration. Look over Leah's notes here or listen to the teaching below on the Labyrinth as a practice for Soul Care.

Walking the Prayer Labyrinth
Leah Martens