Parable of the Sower — Sermons & Such — Haven Berkeley Faith Community

Parable of the Sower

Being Provoked

Leah begins a new teaching series on the parables of Jesus, called "A Story-Shaped Faith". In this first teaching in the series, Leah considers how the genre of parables were intended to function in the ancient world and what the famous Parable of the Sower might tell us about their import in shaping our spirituality.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

Being Provoked
Leah Martens

The Good Soil That Gives Life


In this teaching by Connections Pastor Jeanne Wong, we look at one of Jesus’ most famous parables - a parable about a sower, seed, and soil - as we consider how this story might speak to us about the beauty of faith in Jesus and the transformation it can bring.

Read Jeanne’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

The Good Soil That Gives Life
Jeanne Wong