Recovering the Sacred — Sermons & Such — Haven Berkeley Faith Community

Recovering the Sacred

Sacred Worship

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In this hybrid Sunday gathering, Leah shared her last teaching from the "Recovering the Sacred" series, inviting the Haven community to consider the practice of worship and how it might connect us with the Divine and help us experience the sacred.

After the teaching, those in attendance were invited to interact with a number of worship experiences. A couple of those experiences have been included in a virtual format on this video of the entire service.

Listen to or watch the teaching alone below.

Sacred Worship
Leah Martens

Sacred Heritage

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In this teaching from the "Recovering the Sacred" series, Leah explores how we might handle stories and texts from our sacred tradition that we find problematic, and what it might mean to "include and transcend" as we seek to rebuild and recover our spiritual practices.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

Sacred Heritage
Leah Martens

Sacred Vision

Photo by Dubwise Version.

Photo by Dubwise Version.

In this teaching, we continued our "Recovering the Sacred" series with a conversation around "Sacred Vision". Leah joins with Ginny Prince to consider how God might impart encouraging vision to a community, which can be vital in the work of "reorder". The gathering included a collective listening prayer practice, but that has been omitted from the video out of respect for attendees' privacy.

Listen to or watch Leah and Ginny’s presentation below.

Sacred Vision
Leah Martens and Ginny Prince

Recovering the Sacred (Introduction)

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In this teaching, Leah gives an introduction to our new summer teaching series, "Recovering the Sacred". In this introduction, she lays the groundwork for exploring the part of the Biblical narrative about how a community rebuilt after a time of great disruption, and considers how Father Richard Rohr's framework of growth happening through the pattern of "Order, Disorder, Reorder" might be instructive for us in this season.

Read Leah’s notes here and watch the teaching below.