Our pool party will take place in the Guido-Respicio backyard in Concord.
Our hosts Michael and Kat have graciously offered to host us again.
For October’s Connection Sunday, we’re heading back to Kat and Michael's home in Concord for another fun pool party! That Sunday we will meet in the afternoon from 1 to 4 pm for swimming and a BBQ. For the BBQ, Haven will provide grilled meats and meat substitutes. We invite you to bring a snack, side, dessert, or beverage to share. Please RSVP here for those in coming in your household so we know how much food to have on hand.
At the pool party, we will also hold a baptism ceremony for any who may be ready for this experience.
This will also be an opportunity for a baptism for anyone in the Haven community who would like to participate. Baptism is an ancient practice that was practiced by Jesus himself, and can be a meaningful step in the journey of Jesus-centered faith. If you (or your child) have never been baptized but are interested in considering if this practice would be meaningful for you, you can read this information on baptism at Haven and contact Leah to learn more. Also, if you were baptized as a small child but would appreciate an opportunity to celebrate your personal commitment to God with Haven, let Leah know you might be interested in a rededication celebration. Our baptism ceremony will likely start around 2:30 pm.