Folks who marched with Haven in Oakland Pride 2018.
For the second year in a row, Haven will have a contingent marching in the Oakland Pride Parade, in support of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters and spreading the word that there are inclusive Jesus-centered communities like ours in the East Bay. We’d love for you to join us! Our own Haven Queer/Trans group has developed a vision for the day and they could use our whole community’s support.
Float and Sign Prep: Saturday, September 7, 10am - 1 pm at the Prince Home in West Oakland (978 Village Circle, Oakland). Join us to help build the float, decorate the truck, make posters, and do other prep. RSVP to Ginny.
Parade Day: Sunday, September 8th. Arrive between 9:30 and 10:30 am for lineup. Parade starts at 11. Lineup location is on 14th St between Broadway and Jefferson St, Oakland, CA. We have Haven t-shirts available and free to all participants to wear in the contingent. Contact Leah to let us know you’re coming and sign up for a shirt.
Booth with Oak Life Church: If marching isn’t your thing, or you can’t get enough of Pride participation, we also have opportunities for folks to help staff a booth organized by our friends at Oak Life Church. Oak Life’s Pride committee has invited Haven folks to join them in sharing hugs from Christian Moms and Dads, handing out water, and communicating the care of inclusive spiritual communities to folks at the Pride Festival. Volunteer shifts are available throughout the day. Contact Scott Figgins to learn more or sign up for a shift.
And the Following Week: Pride Sunday at Haven!
After the fun at Oakland Pride, join us for our own Pride Service at Haven, planned and led entirely by the Queer/Trans Haven Group! This special service will take place at our regular time and location: 10:30 am at Washington Elementary on September 15.